



2024/01/01 00:00:03


At the core of Altroverso’s values lies the Margy Rule, a testament not just to the brand’s commitment to gender equality but also a deeply personal homage by its founder. The rule is named after Margy, the founder’s mother, a fervent feminist who lived through the vibrant revolution of the 60s in Europe. Her spirit, her fight for equality, and her unwavering values left an indelible mark on her son, shaping him into the man he became and influencing the creation of Altroverso.

Margy: The Beacon of Inspiration

Margy was not just a mother; she was a beacon of strength, resilience, and empowerment. Living through an era of change, she championed the rights of women, advocating for their place in society, equal pay, and opportunities. Her stories of protests, of standing up against injustices, and of dreaming of a world where her son could see women as equals became the bedtime tales that shaped the founder’s worldview.

The Birth of the Margy Rule:

In her passing, Margy left behind not just memories but a legacy of values. To honor her and ensure that her beliefs lived on, the founder introduced the Margy Rule in Altroverso.

Core Principles of the Margy Rule:

  1. Supplier Engagement: Altroverso actively collaborates with suppliers committed to gender equality in both representation and pay, reflecting Margy’s dream of an equitable workplace.
  2. Investment in Women-Led Companies: In line with Margy’s belief in women’s leadership, Altroverso prioritizes investments in companies helmed by women, be it as founders or CEOs.
  3. Promotion of Gender Equality: Beyond business, Altroverso uses its platform to further the cause Margy was so passionate about, promoting gender equality through events, collaborations, and discussions.
  4. Continuous Review: The Margy Rule is dynamic, evolving with the times, just as Margy’s beliefs did. Altroverso ensures that the rule remains relevant, impactful, and true to its roots.
  5. Member Awareness and Education: Altroverso’s members are not just informed about the Margy Rule but are also educated about its origins, ensuring that Margy’s legacy is known, respected, and carried forward.

A Legacy Living On:

The Margy Rule is more than just a guideline; it’s a heartwarming tribute to a mother’s legacy. It’s a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless women like Margy, who dreamed of a better, more equal world. Through Altroverso and the Margy Rule, her dream lives on, her values are championed, and her legacy shines brighter than ever.